QT Activity: OMETA/Qualtech Webinar 2022 was Held on September 29 – October/November 2022
- 2022-10-25 03:47:11
The OMETA/Qualtech Webinar 2022 was held on September 29, featuring updates on regulations in Asia.
了解更多The OMETA/Qualtech Webinar 2022 was held on September 29, featuring updates on regulations in Asia.
了解更多On July 2nd, Qualtech had been invited to present and inform Japanese OMETA Members (Overseas Medical Equipment Technical Assistants) on the medical device regulation updates in Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam during the OMETA Online Seminar.
了解更多With Overseas Medical Equipment Technical Assistants (OMETA), Qualteh has held an online seminar about regulatory updates in ASEAN on 27th October, where we covered major updates in the Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia.
了解更多It is Qualtech priority to deliver the most update and accurate news to our clients as well as performing as platform to all associated organization. OMETA is one of the organizations that has a lengthy association with Qualtech Corporation.
了解更多上個月,3月5日至3月8日,一組由Qualtech經理和監管專家組成的小組參加了在印度尼西亞舉行的OMETA研討會。這次特殊場合不僅舉辦了兩次引人入勝且卓有成效的研討會,而且還允許與印度尼西亞衛生部舉行會議( 衛生部)和日本對外貿易組織(JETRO)。
了解更多日本醫療器械工業協會(JAMDI),DEKRA日本和Qualtech Japan將在7月初(2018年7月6日)共同組織即將舉行的研討會。
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