社會公益: 賦能未來創新者【Qualtech與臺北醫科大學合作的實習計畫】
- 2023-07-24 10:42:16
了解更多Qualtech hosted a talk by Dr. Huang Wen-Chien on the evolution of minimally invasive lung cancer treatment. The advancements discussed included surgical tools, non-surgical techniques, and video-assistive technology. Qualtech also offers comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Report (CER) services to assist with medical device registration, drawing upon expertise in biomedical engineering and molecular biology to deliver high-quality reports for various regions.
了解更多Qualtech's big topic article for this month's edition represents an overview of the recent and upcoming changes implemented in the ASEAN countries of Southeast Asia. We thereby cover 6 ASEAN countries and review the most critical and noteworthy changes, so that our readers remain up-to-date and can take required actions in a timeline manner.
您是否有留意到東協醫療器材指令(ASEAN Medical Device Directive)將在進入多個東協國家之前予以簡化審查流程的機會?
Qualtech, in cooperation with Mr. Arkan Zwick of Austrian Manufacturer Croma-Pharma GmbH, have organized a webinar on the important updates pertaining to the EU MDR on February 7, 2023. Topics discussed include the European Commission's Proposal to extend the MDR transition period as well as the validity of MDD certifications, and our suggestions regarding the critical steps to be taken in order to smoothly obtain approval under the MDR. The content of the webinar has been briefly summarized in this article.
Qualtech introduced medical device regulations and the role of authorized representative in ASEAN in the seminar held by Tokyo University's association, which supports medical device innovation.
了解更多The OMETA/Qualtech Webinar 2022 was held on September 29, featuring updates on regulations in Asia.
了解更多As Qualtech offers Authorized Representative (License Holder) Services in 11 countries in Asia and Oceania, the following article outlines some of the benefits for foreign manufacturers associated with assigning a neutral 3rd party as their license holder. In addition, the product registration license conditions for the different ASEAN countries, as well as Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, and China are summarized, including license validity, license transfer possibilities etc.
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