
QT ACTIVITY: Qualtech's Japan Webinar Provided a Detailed Overview on the Japanese Regulatory System – SEPTEMBER, 2021

QT ACTIVITY: Qualtech's Japan Webinar Provided a Detailed Overview on the Japanese Regulatory System – SEPTEMBER, 2021

  • 2021-10-04 05:18:22

On September 17th, Qualtech hosted its Webinar on the subject of Japan Medical Device Registration to an international audience of MD manufacturers. During the event, the Qualtech team thoroughly explained the Japan registration process and elaborated on aspects such as registration timelines, product classifications, and consultation sessions with PMDA.

QT ACTIVITY: Qualtech Shares Its Key Insights regarding China's New Regulations (RSAMD) via a Joint Webinar – JULY, 2021

QT ACTIVITY: Qualtech Shares Its Key Insights regarding China's New Regulations (RSAMD) via a Joint Webinar – JULY, 2021

  • 2021-08-02 06:36:08

On June 30th, Qualtech and ISS AG jointly hosted an online event informing far more than 100 different medical device manufacturers from all around the globe about China’s New Regulations. Qualtech’s team thereby detailed the important updates that the new RSAMD will bring, including the new obligations for product registrants under the nationwide adopted MAH system.

QT ACTIVITY: Qualtech Shares its Expertise on the Taiwanese Certification Procedures for MDs and Pharmaceuticals at the Taiwan Health Sector Conference in Germany  – November, 2020

QT ACTIVITY: Qualtech Shares its Expertise on the Taiwanese Certification Procedures for MDs and Pharmaceuticals at the Taiwan Health Sector Conference in Germany – November, 2020

  • 2020-11-26 10:42:10

The German-based “Society for Promotion of East West Knowledge Transfer” had invited the experts of Qualtech to share their knowledge on the Taiwan registration processes for medical devices and pharmaceutical products to a number of high-ranking and selected attendees. Within a 90-minute session held on November 10th, Qualtech guided participants through the different Taiwan certification procedures and further elaborated on the clinical requirements in place for pharmaceuticals.

Qualtech to share its expertise at International Online Seminar

Qualtech to share its expertise at International Online Seminar

  • 2020-10-27 06:10:24

The Qualtech team is happy to announce that Europe-Taiwan Biotech Association and Society for Promotion of East West Knowledge Transfer invited our specialists to share their medical device and pharmaceutical products registration experience at the International Online Conference on November 10, 2020.
