
QT ACTIVITY: Qualtech Shares its Expertise on the Taiwanese Certification Procedures for MDs and Pharmaceuticals at the Taiwan Health Sector Conference in Germany  – November, 2020

QT ACTIVITY: Qualtech Shares its Expertise on the Taiwanese Certification Procedures for MDs and Pharmaceuticals at the Taiwan Health Sector Conference in Germany – November, 2020

  • 2020-11-26 10:42:10

The German-based “Society for Promotion of East West Knowledge Transfer” had invited the experts of Qualtech to share their knowledge on the Taiwan registration processes for medical devices and pharmaceutical products to a number of high-ranking and selected attendees. Within a 90-minute session held on November 10th, Qualtech guided participants through the different Taiwan certification procedures and further elaborated on the clinical requirements in place for pharmaceuticals.

QT活動:Qualtech團隊收到了中國政府在上海發布的2019年“一帶一路”推廣計劃的邀請 - 2019年12月

QT活動:Qualtech團隊收到了中國政府在上海發布的2019年“一帶一路”推廣計劃的邀請 - 2019年12月

  • 2020-02-21 06:53:42

Qualtech榮幸地收到來自美國科學技術大學湖景學院的邀請,於2019年11月25日至12月8日在中國上海舉行的“全面健康背景下的精密醫療創新技術的培訓與交流”項目。 由來自巴西,南非,以色列和新加坡的創新者和教授組成,Qualtech ASEAN代表馬來西亞和泰國。 培訓是訪問的平台; 了解中國乃至世界醫療設備的最新政策和熱點; 與醫療設備行業的投資者和業務合作夥伴進行面對面交流的機會。
