
MALAYSIA: Raminder Notice on the Complete Enforcement of Requirements for Registration of Medical Device - July 2018

MALAYSIA: Raminder Notice on the Complete Enforcement of Requirements for Registration of Medical Device - July 2018

  • 2020-02-13 06:23:56

MDA has released a Circular Letter at the end of May 2018 as a reminder notice on the complete enforcement of requirements for registration of medical device under Section 5 of Medical Device Act 2012 (Act 737), whereby no medical device can be allowed to be imported, exported or marketed in Malaysia unless it has been registered with MDA, according to this Act.

 "Foreign Special Case Recognition Policy" Enables Foreign Medical Device Factory to Obtain Express Pass - June 2018

"Foreign Special Case Recognition Policy" Enables Foreign Medical Device Factory to Obtain Express Pass - June 2018

  • 2020-02-14 04:21:46

A research conducted by BMI Espicom showed that the scale of the global medical device market is expected to reach US$38.91 billion in 2019, of which Japan has the world’s second largest medical device market, second to United States. Global medical equipment manufacturers in addition to Europe and the United States well-known manufacturers (GE, Medtronic, Johnson & Johnson, etc.),
