Hong Kong’s Department of Health has announced a pilot run for the new requirement on the procurement of Medical Devices by the Department of Health, which will be implemented with effect from 1st October 2022. Under this pilot run, certain Medical Devices (including, condoms, lubricants of Class II or above*, blood glucose meter and blood glucose strips) being purchased for use in the service of the Department of Health should preferably be listed under the Medical Device Administrative Control System (MDACS). Through the experience gained from the pilot run scheme; the Department of Health will include more Medical Devices into the scheme.

Traders who are interested to submit bid/ quotation/ tender for the supply of the above Medical Devices for the Department of Health Services are being encouraged to apply their relevant Medical Devices for listing under MDACS as soon as possible. If there are more than one lowest confirming offer offering the same price, preference will be given to the Medical Devices offered which are listed under the MDACS.

For details of the procurement requirements, the invitation document will be issued by the respective procuring services of the Department of Health. The following link can be visited by traders explaining more regarding tenders (https://www.dh.gov.hk/english/tender/tender.html) and the inclusion of the Department of Health Supplier Lists: (https://www.dh.gov.hk/english/tender/inclusion_supplier_lists.html).

*Notes: According to the classification rules of medical devices under MDACS.



The pilot run of new procurement requirement of the Department of Health (DH) that medical devices being purchased by DH should preferably be listed under the Medical Device Administrative Control System (MDACS) will be commenced w.e.f 1st Oct 2022

Application for Inclusion in the DH Supplier Lists

Tender Notice in Hong Kong
