
SINGAPORE: Consultation on GN-14 Guidance on the Risk Classification of In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices– June/July 2023

SINGAPORE: Consultation on GN-14 Guidance on the Risk Classification of In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices– June/July 2023

  • 2023-06-28 07:35:36

HSA would like to consult the industry/stakeholders regarding updates and revisions of GN-14 Guidance on the Risk Classification of In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices (R3). The key update includes clarification notes on the classification of control materials and software, also clarifications to the risk classification rules 1-5. The consultation period is open from 2-30 May 2023 through email to HSA.

PHILIPPINES: PFDA Released FDA Circular No. 2021-002-C Further Extending the Application Period for CMDN for Class B, C, and D Medical Devices – April/May 2023

PHILIPPINES: PFDA Released FDA Circular No. 2021-002-C Further Extending the Application Period for CMDN for Class B, C, and D Medical Devices – April/May 2023

  • 2023-04-24 09:37:45

On March 31, 2023, PFDA has once again extended the application period for one more year for medical device products that were previously considered non-registrable, which currently fall under AMDD risk class B-D. PFDA cites the risk of disrupting the supply chain that may negatively impact the quality of the healthcare system in the country.

MALAYSIA: MDA Announced the Fifth Edition on the Guideline for Registration of Drug-Medical Device and Medical Device-Drug Combination Products – March/April 2023

MALAYSIA: MDA Announced the Fifth Edition on the Guideline for Registration of Drug-Medical Device and Medical Device-Drug Combination Products – March/April 2023

  • 2023-03-27 09:16:15

The Medical Device Authority (MDA) published the Fifth Edition Guidance Document, "Guideline for Registration of Drug-Medical Device and Medical Devie-Drug Combination Products", on January 03, 2023. This document is intended to provide information on how to apply for an endorsement letter, post-approval changes/variation applications for ancillary components, adverse drug reactions and incident reporting for the registered combination product.
