THAILAND: Food and Drug Administration Announcement Regarding Technical Documents Preparation for Inspection Purpose 2020 – November,2020
- 2020-11-26 01:31:52
Thailand is currently gearing up a step closer toward the transition of Thailand future regulation from Policy – based Classification to Risk-based Classification as Thailand’s Food and Drug Administration announced that it is mandatory for importer to prepare Technical Documents (CDST Dossier) upon importation by the period as follows : 1) Class 1, 2 and 3: 13 June 2021. 2) Class 4: 11 September 2021. Licensee who fails to comply with ThaiFDA must be sentence to penalty condition is as follows:
1. Licensed and Notified Medical Device: Shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 1 year or fine not exceeding 100,000 THB or both.
2. General Medical Device: Shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or fine not exceeding 50,000 THB or both.