Qualtech’s regulatory experts have shared their knowledge and ample experience on the subject of medical device registration in Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines during the ASEAN Healthcare Market Conference on March 23rd, 2021. Invited by the German organizer, the Society for Promotion of East West Knowledge Transfer, Qualtech thoroughly informed the attending European medical device manufacturers on the current regulations and registration processes in the three markets. Especially in consideration with the ASEAN Medical Device Directive (AMDD), Qualtech’s speakers shared the on-going harmonization process as well as the country-specific differences in the registration procedures.

Besides Qualtech’s contribution, the respective Economic Sections of the Embassy of Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines, as well as the National University of Singapore joined the event as conference speakers. 
Shall you also be interested in getting to know more about medical device product registration in ASEAN, please contact our experts for a free consultation session: irene@qualtechs.com.


Conference Agenda: The ASEAN Healthcare Market
