Decision of the Head of LKPP No 122/2022
On 1st April 2022, the National Public Procurement Agency (Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah or LKPP) issued provision No 122/2022 concerning the Procedures for Organizing Electronic Catalogues. This provision shortens the business process of registering as e-Katalog providers into only two stages, namely registration and product listing for national, sectoral, and local e-Katalog.
Business actors would only need to register through the “Electronic Procurement Service” (Layanan Pengadaan Secara Elektronik or LPSE), and then subsequently fill their qualifications in the “Provider Performance System” (Sistem Kinerja Penyedia or SiKAP). Qualified business actors would be able to access the e-Katalog application and proceeds to list their products in the e-Katalog system.
The full process of listing goods/services in the sectoral or local e-Katalog from e-Katalog managers (ministry/government institution/local government) to e-Katalog providers (business actors) can be seen in the following diagram:
Figure 1 Process Flow of Listing Goods/Services in Sectoral or Local E-Katalog
Showcase according to the provision is defined as a grouping of a collection of categories, sub categories, and/or products of goods/services listed in the National, Sectoral or Local Electronic Catalogues.
Update on MoH’s Sectoral E-Katalog Mechanisms
MoH has made an announcement in conjunction to the issuance of the decision of the head of the LKPP number 122 of 2022 concerning the “Procedure for Organizing Electronic Catalogue”, which changed the mechanisms mentioned in a previous article for MoH Sectoral E-Katalog. Previously, e-Katalog submissions must go through verification procedures and are scheduled throughout the month. However, the current provision allows bid documents submission to be always carried out in accordance with the applicable regulations. The verification process is also no longer carried out in the process of the electronic catalogues. With this, E-katalog providers can now list their products under the Ministry of Health Sectoral Health Facilities (Fasilitas Kesehatan Sektoral Kemenkes).
Decree of the Head of LKPP Number 122 of 2022 concerning Procedures for Organizing Electronic Catalogues
Notification of Bid Submission Schedule for MoH Sectoral E-Catalogue