
TAIWAN: New  Draft on “Requirements for Indicating the Unique Device Identifier on Medical Device Labels"

TAIWAN: New Draft on “Requirements for Indicating the Unique Device Identifier on Medical Device Labels"

  • 2020-12-23 02:01:32

TFDA has recently announced a 3-stage schedule of implementing UDI system on labels of medical devices. Starting from June 1st, 2021, class 3 implantable medical devices are the first round of products that are required to comply with this regulation; followed by class 3 non-implantable medical devices starting from June 1st, 2022, and finally, class 2 medical devices starting from June 1st, 2023.

INDONESIA: The National Public Procurement Agency Open E-katalog Registration for Domestic and COVID-19 related Medical Devices – Oct, 2020

INDONESIA: The National Public Procurement Agency Open E-katalog Registration for Domestic and COVID-19 related Medical Devices – Oct, 2020

  • 2020-11-26 03:47:29

In 2020, National Public Procurement Agency (in Indonesia known as LKPP) has opened E-katalog registration for domestic medical device products and several medical products for handling Covid-19. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there are several stages in the E-katalog registration process which is carried out online, namely verification / clarification process. However, the price negotiation stage is still carried out face to face. There is also a possibility that e-katalog registration for imported medical products will be opened around this year.

THAILAND: Food and Drug Administration Announcement Regarding the Document Preparation for Licensed Medical Device Manufacturing / Import License Renewal and Notified Medical Device Manufacturing / Import License Renewal – October, 2020

THAILAND: Food and Drug Administration Announcement Regarding the Document Preparation for Licensed Medical Device Manufacturing / Import License Renewal and Notified Medical Device Manufacturing / Import License Renewal – October, 2020

  • 2020-10-19 09:48:24

Food and Drug Administration has announced sets of documentation required for Licensed Medical Device Manufacturing / Import License Renewal and Notified Medical Device Manufacturing / Import License Renewal that will expire in December 31st, 2020.
