A compassionate special permit (CSP) is a permit issued by the FDA that allows a qualified institution and hospital, or a qualified licensed physician, to procure an unregistered or unauthorized drug product, vaccine, or medical device for limited use through an FDA-licensed establishment.

In the past, several regulations were issued to tackle CSP conditions and requirements which includes the following:

1. Administrative Order No. 4 s. 1992- This is the first regulation issued in the country to provide access to products for patients which are terminally or seriously ill. The regulation only considers AIDS, cancer and life-threatening conditions as acceptable patient medical conditions.

2. FDA Memorandum Circular No. 2015-008- This regulations included medical devices, which are  not  yet  registered  or  are  in  the  process  of  registration  in  the  Philippines  by  patients  who  need  immediate  medical  attention. However, only one-time CSP can be issued for a specific device.

3. Administrative Order No. 2020-0028- This includes emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases considered as public health emergencies or public health threats as one of the conditions for the grant of a CSP and allow access to investigational products.

The new regulation provides a more detailed guidelines and widens the scope of products that can be applied for a CSP even further. Unregistered or unauthorized vaccines with no registered counterparts, drugs and products used to treat/manage rare diseases and diseases which may lead to permanent disability  will be illegible for a CSP when the official regulation is released.

The following table summarizes the important points of these regulations and the similarities and differences with the proposed regulation.

Particulars/ Details

 Administrative Order No. 4 s. 1992

FDA Memorandum Circular No. 2015-008

Administrative Order No. 2020-0028

Proposed Draft Regulation


03 November, 1992

25 June, 2015

06 July, 2020

26 January, 2023

Regulation Title

Policy and Requirements for Availing of Compassionate Special Permit (CSP) for Restricted Use of Unregistered Drug and Device Product / Preparation


Amendment to Administrative Order No. 4 s. 1992 entitled “Policy Requirements for Availing Compassionate Special Permit (CSP) for Restricted Use of Unregistered Drug and Device Product Preparation”

Updated Guidelines for Availing Compassionate Special Permit for the Restricted Use of Unregistered or Unauthorized Drug Products including Vaccines and Medical Devices


Access to products for patients which are terminally or seriously ill is allowed through the grant of a CSP

Medical devices which are not yet  registered  or  are  in  the  process  of  registration  in  the  Philippines  by  patients  who  need  immediate  medical  attention.

Include emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases considered as public health emergencies or public health threats as one of the conditions for the grant of a CSP, and allow access to investigational products

inclusion of unregistered or unauthorized  vaccines with no registered counterparts

include rare diseases and diseases which may lead to permanent disability

Acceptable conditions

There is no existing superior or alternative therapy that can likely or adequately control their conditions

1.  The  device  shall  be  used  for  patients  suffering  from  life-threatening conditions.
2.  There  is  no  other  registered  medical  device  of  the  same  kind  available  in  the  Philippine  market.
3.  The  device  is  brand  new.
4.  No  other  CSP  was  previously  issued  to  the  applied  product.

No additional details

1. The medical device shall only be used for patients suffering from life-threatening  conditions;
2. Product registration status:
a. There is no other registered/authorized medical device of the same kind/technology available in the Philippine market;
b. The device is brand new.

Patient medical conditions

1. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
2. Cancer
3. Life-threatening conditions

none specified

1. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,
2. Cancer,
3. Life- Threatening Conditions, and
4. Emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases considered as  Public Health Emergencies or Public Health Threats.

 a. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
 b. Cancer
 c. Life-Threatening Conditions
 d. Emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases declared as Public Health  Emergencies (PHE) or Public Health Threats (PHT)
e. Diseases which may lead to permanent medical impairment
 f. Rare diseases

 Product registration status

Unregistered drugs and devices product / preparation

Unregistered drugs and devices product / preparation

Unregistered drugs and devices product/ preparation

a. A product which does not have a valid FDA  registration or authorization.
 b. An investigational drug product (for the same disease it is sought to be used) for the following conditions:
 i. the requested investigational drug product must be the same product that has an ongoing Phase III clinical trial in the country of origin or in other countries;
ii. is in a global or national registry;
iii. there is an ongoing clinical trial in the Philippines but the enrollment of the patient in the clinical trial is not possible; or
iv. the investigational drug product has entered the process of marketing authorization application in the country of origin or in the Philippines.
c. For imported products, CSP may only be issued for a product that is currently registered/authorized in the national regulatory authority (NRA) of the country of origin or other NRAs.


1. A written commitment on the part of all the authorized specialists to submit a Clinical Study Report for every patient given the product describing the quantity administered / use, therapeutic / desired effect and any adverse reaction, to the Institution or Specialty Society for BFAD, at the end of each year.
2. An estimate of the total requirement of the product for one year.
3. A waiver of BFAD responsibility from any damage or injury arising from the use of the unregistered drug or device to be signed by the responsible official of the Institution or Specialty Society.

1.  Letter  of  intent  which  will  include  a  brief  description  of  the  patient,  attending  physician,  list  of  specialists  who  will  perform  the  administration of  the  medical  device,  quantity  of  the  medical  device  required  to  perform  the  treatment  and  the  proposed  schedule  of  the  medical  attention.
2. Attending  physician’s  profile.
3. License  to  Operate  as  Medical  Device  Importer / Distributor  if  the  product is to  be  supplied  by  a  company.

4.  Letter  of  information  regarding  the  importer  if  the  medical  device  is  to  be imported  by a  private  individual.
5.  Certificate  of  Product  Registration  from  the  country  of  origin  of  the medical  device  to  be  used.  If  the  medical  device  is  locally  manufactured,
copy  of  the  License  to  Operate  as  Medical  Device Manufacturer.
6.  Technical  description  of  the  medical  device  from  the  manufacturer;  not downloaded  from  the  company’s  website.
7.  Justification  letter  from  the  attending  physician  regarding  the  urgency  of the  use  of the  medical  device.
8.  Medical abstract  of  the  patient.

9.  A  waiver  of  FDA  responsibility  from  any  damage  or  injury  arising  from  the  use  of  the  unregistered  medical  device  to  be  signed  by  the  applicant company,  relative  of  the  patient  and  the  attending  physician.
10.  A  commitment  letter  from  the  applicant  that  a  medical  report  shall  be submitted  after  the  operation  or  use  of  the  medical  device  in  the  patient.

Only  one  time  CSP  will  be  given  for  a  specific  device,  no  other  CSP  shall  be
issued  again.

1.  A written commitment on the part of all authorized specialists to submit a Clinical Study Report for every patient given the product describing the quantity administered / use, therapeutic / desired effect and any adverse reaction, to the Institution or Specialty Society, at the end of each year.
2. An estimate of the total requirement of the product for one year.
3. A waiver of FDA responsibility from any damage or injury arising from the use of the unregistered drug or device to be signed by the responsible official of the Institution or Specialty Society.
4. In addition to the foregoing requirements, a CSP may also be issued to a Specialized Institution. Specialty Society or the Department of Health (DOH) even for an investigational product, provided that the rationale with supporting documents is submitted establishing the following conditions:
a. The requested investigational product must have an ongoing Phase III clinical trial in the country of origin or other countries or there is an ongoing clinical
trial in the Philippines but the enrollment of the patient in the trial is not possible; or:
b. The investigational product has entered the process of marketing authorization application in the country of origin or in the Philippines.

Named Patient Use:
 a. Accomplished e-Application Form as prescribed by FDA regulations
 b. Curriculum vitae of the qualified physician applying for CSP
 c. Medical abstract of the patient
d. Proof of payment
 e. Letter of information regarding the importer (for products to be imported by a private individual)
f. Additional requirements:
i. For drugs including vaccines - Medical prescription ii. For vaccines - A report of the risk-benefit assessment conducted by the applicant on 26 the risks and benefits surrounding the use of the vaccine on the target 27 recipient
 iii. For medical device - Technical description of the medical device from the manufacturer; not downloaded from the company’s website
 - Justification letter from the attending physician regarding the urgency of the use of the medical device

Institutional Use:
 a. Accomplished e-Application Form as prescribed by FDA regulations.
 b. Rationale for volume/quantity requested
 c. Distribution agreement
d. Proof of payment
e. For imported products:
i. For products to be imported by a private individual, a letter of information regarding the importer shall be submitted.
 ii. For products which has prior approval or registration from another NRA, a proof or certification of such shall be submitted.
f. For investigational drug products, the rationale with supporting documents establishing the conditions stated above under V.C.4
g. Additional requirements:
i. For drugs including vaccines - Medical prescription
ii. For vaccines- The immunization scheme issued by the DOH with justification for the identified target recipients/groups under the scheme
- A report of the risk-benefit assessment conducted by the applicant on the risks and benefits surrounding the use of the vaccine on the target recipients/groups
 iii. For medical devices - Technical description of the medical device from the manufacturer; not downloaded from the company’s website; and
 - Justification letter from the attending physician regarding the urgency of the use of the medical device.

Importation Requirements

 The specified drug establishment shall secure clearance to import from BFAD and its applications shall be accompanied by:
a. A certificate that the product is currently registered in the country of origin.
b. A true copy of the CSP issued to the Specialized Institution (SI)/Specialty Society (SS).

No details

 The specified drug establishment shall secure clearance to import from the FDA and its applications shall be accompanied by:
a. A certificate that the product is currently registered in the country of origin
b. A true copy of the CSP issued to the Specialized Institution (SI)/Specialty Society (SS).

(see previous rows)

Post-approval Commitments

A. The SI/SS shall submit the Clinical Study Reports through the drug/device establishment at the end of the year.
B. The drug/device establishment shall be responsible for the submission of the Clinical Study Reports from the SI/SS and the report of the total volume of the drug/device imported for the year.

The company  or  attending  physician  shall  submit  the  medical  report  after  the

 A. The SI/SS shall submit the Clinical Study Reports through the drug/device establishment at the end of the year.
B. The drug/device establishment shall be responsible for the submission of the Clinical Study Reports from the SI/SS and the report of the total volume of the drug/device imported for the year.

 1. The CSP holder shall submit the reports of the clinical study conducted, adverse drug reactions (ADR) (for drugs), adverse events following immunization (AEFI) (for vaccines), adverse events involving the medical device, and the manufacturing and reconciliation data through the drug /medical device establishment at the end of the treatment or the immunization monitoring, or upon the request for additional quantity whichever comes first. The report shall follow the format in Annex A for the Clinical Study and ADR/AEFI reports. Post-approval commitment report for medical devices shall follow the format in Annex B.
2. The drug/medical device establishment shall be responsible for the submission of the report of the total volume / quantity of the drug / vaccine / medical device imported along with the importation documents.
3. Submission of data and reports as part of the post-approval commitment shall be from the start of treatment, administration, or use and updated quarterly, and shall be through the official applications platform as implemented through the latest FDA issuance.

 Review and Evaluation

No details

No details

No details

1. The review shall be based on the assessment for compliance of the submitted application documents to the requirements. The FDA shall consider the benefits and risks as they apply to the Philippine context based on the available data provided by the CSP applicant and may consider seeking opinions from clinical experts as necessary.
2. Compliant applications shall be approved for CSP.
3. For non-compliant applications, the disapproval shall be communicated to the applicant as well as the deficiencies and / or clarifications.

Grounds to deny the application

 Failure on its part to submit these reports will be a ground to deny applications of CSP  through or using its establishment and / or future applications for import clearances of the unregistered drug / device under a valid CSP.

The  company  or  attending  physician  shall  submit  the  medical  report  after  the  procedure.  Failure  to  submit  the  medical  report  shall  be  a  ground  for  denial  of  future applications  of  CSP  by  the  same  applicant.

 Failure on its part to submit these reports will be a ground to deny applications of CSP  through or using its establishment and / or future applications for import clearances of the unregistered drug / device under a valid CSP.

Failure on the part of the CSP Holder to submit the required reports will be grounds to deny the applications for CSP through or using its establishment and / or future applications for import clearances of the unregistered or unauthorized drug / vaccine / medical device under a valid CSP.



Draft AO for Updated Guidelines for Compassionate Special Permit

2. Administrative Order No. 2020-0028

3. FDA Memorandum Circular No. 2015-008

4. Administrative Order No. 4 s. 1992
