
INDONESIA: Registration of prospective providers in Electronic Catalog (E-Cat) for medical device and household-health product through the negotiation method – December, 2019

INDONESIA: Registration of prospective providers in Electronic Catalog (E-Cat) for medical device and household-health product through the negotiation method – December, 2019

  • 2020-02-21 06:56:04

In Indonesia, E-Katalog become the most popular platform for the public hospital or government related institution to find required medical device equipment. In October, Government invite Medical Device Company to submit an offering of Medical Devices and Household Health Supplies products to be included in E-Katalog.

INDONESIA: Medical device amendment criteria in Indonesia - December, 2019

INDONESIA: Medical device amendment criteria in Indonesia - December, 2019

  • 2020-02-21 06:54:34

Changing some information after device approved can be done through amendment which has shorter timeline for approval. However, not all of the changes in the device can apply for amendment. Indonesia Ministry of Health elaborate specific criteria for the type of changes that can be reported as amendment to MoH.

QT ACTIVITY: Qualtech team receives invitation issued by China government 2019 ‘One Belt One Road’ promotion program in Shanghai - December, 2019

QT ACTIVITY: Qualtech team receives invitation issued by China government 2019 ‘One Belt One Road’ promotion program in Shanghai - December, 2019

  • 2020-02-21 06:53:42

It is honor for Qualtech to receive an invitation from Hujing College, USST for the program ‘Training and Exchange of Precision Medical Innovation Technologies under the Background of Comprehensive Health’ in Shanghai, China from 25th November to 8th, December 2019. Diversity group of trainees consisted of innovators and professors from Brazil, South Africa, Israel, and Singapore, where Qualtech ASEAN represents Malaysia and Thailand.

[ANALYSIS] What to know about China’s post-market surveillance – December, 2019

[ANALYSIS] What to know about China’s post-market surveillance – December, 2019

  • 2020-02-21 06:52:42

Recently on November 13, NMPA had issued a notice on the suspension and rectification of a domestic manufacturing factory,, instructing the manufacturer to stop production until rectification is completed and approved by NMPA. On the other hand, nearly 30 manufacturers (domestic and foreign) initiated voluntary recalls of their products in November. Similar news has been cropping up in recent year, and it’s foreseeable that NMPA will keep strengthening the surveillancein the future.
