
SINGAPORE: Updates Introduced to Pre-Market Registration Guidance Documents – September, 2021

SINGAPORE: Updates Introduced to Pre-Market Registration Guidance Documents – September, 2021

  • 2021-09-29 00:33:56

HSA recently issued updates to some pre-market registration-related guidance documents and technical reference documents. Specifically, the GN-15, GN-17, GN-18, TR-01, and TR-02 were updated. The changes mainly deal with the addition of cybersecurity requirements for medical devices. This is a very important update since it is imperative to protect devices that are used in the healthcare industry from hackers and other cyberthreats.

QT Webinar: Japan Medical Device Registration

QT Webinar: Japan Medical Device Registration

  • 2021-09-06 06:11:51

Qualtech Consulting would like to invite you to our free online Webinar on the subject of "Japan Medical Device Registration". Our event is scheduled to be held on September 17th (Friday), 2021.

QT Analysis: Registration of Quality Management System in Taiwan & Japan  - August 2021

QT Analysis: Registration of Quality Management System in Taiwan & Japan - August 2021

  • 2021-08-26 13:03:08

One similar thing about the medical device registration process in Taiwan and Japan is the documentation of the Quality Management System that must be registered with the local regulatory authorities before a medical device can be sold in each market. In 2021, there were major revisions made to the process of QMS documentation of which foreign manufacturers and local authorized representatives should be aware. This article will introduce those major revisions, as well as major differences in the QMS registration processes in Taiwan and Japan.

THAILAND:  Medical Device Registration Exemption Criteria, Methods and Conditions  prior to Manufacture, Importation and Sales updated by Thai FDA– June, 2021

THAILAND: Medical Device Registration Exemption Criteria, Methods and Conditions prior to Manufacture, Importation and Sales updated by Thai FDA– June, 2021

  • 2021-08-02 06:20:55

Consistent with the new guidance published in February 2021 governing the risk- classification, technical documentation requirements, fee schedule and transition plan for medical device registration, respectively announced for medical device manufacturing and importation exemption for certain medical under Medical Device Act 2008 Section 27 (1). The announcement aims to balance medical device distribution brought about by the significant changes in regulation.
