
CHINA: CNDA has Released a New Catalogue of Medical Devices to Be Exempted from Clinical Trials (Draft) – July 2018

CHINA: CNDA has Released a New Catalogue of Medical Devices to Be Exempted from Clinical Trials (Draft) – July 2018

  • 2020-02-14 03:59:43

In early June, CNDA had issued a draft consisting of the fourth batch of medical device catalogues to be exempted from clinical trials along with the revisions of the first three batches of catalogues, in able to catch up with the upcoming classification to be implemented in July. In this regard, CNDA is currently accepting comments from the public until the end of June 2018.

Seminar by TFDA: China GCP Experience Sharing - July 2018

Seminar by TFDA: China GCP Experience Sharing - July 2018

  • 2020-02-13 06:12:14

Taiwan Food and Drug Administration(TFDA) is organizing an upcoming seminar in end of July (July 20th, 2018) in Taoyuan (Taiwan), and Qualtech has been invited to share our GCP experience in China. This seminar will discuss the GCP inspection of medical devices in various oversea countries and how to conduct a multicenter clinical trial in various countries.
