As recalled from December 28 in 2018, we were well informed that Ministry of Public Health had Announced Draft of the Product Containing Alcohol for Humans and Animals Sterilization. Respectively, on March 15,2019, Ministry of Public Health had prepared the Questionnaire for Ministry of Public Health on amendment to Announced Draft of the Product Containing Alcohol for Humans and Animals Sterilization, with the resolution from the Subcommittee on Medical Device Control Policy 1/2019.           

Anyone who is interested in completing the questionnaire can check on agree and disagree box of the amended to Announced Draft of the Product Containing Alcohol for Humans and Animals Sterilization.                            

Amended subjects are as followed: 


Questionnaire for Ministry of Public Health on amendment to Announced Draft of the Product Containing Alcohol for Humans and Animals Sterilization

Amended Announced Draft of the Product Containing Alcohol for Humans and Animals Sterilization                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
