As implemented starting from July 9th 2018, the Indonesian Government keeps developing the OSS system to actualize the acceleration of licensing process in Indonesia. Government is trying to integrate the licensing in all business sector using OSS system and also has simplified the process, so applicants can easily track the licensing and application's evaluation time is shortened. By creating one account in OSS, applicants can register several companies to maintain easily.

          The focus of the requirement for licensing through OSS is related to Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) and also environment sustainability. Requirements related to the provisions of the related business will be under direct supervision of related authorities. For medical device related applications, the simplified process is shown in the IPAK (Medical Device distributor) licensing process, whereby getting recommendation from Health Province is not required.

       MoH is stricter in the supervision of medical device, by monitoring the distribution and post market surveillance activity in the market. General description for OSS integration with the Ministry of Health, particularly for distributors of medical devices, can be found through the this link and over at Also, in order to develop some features in the OSS, government is upgrading the OSS from version 1.0 to OSS version 1.1, and can only be accessed starting from January 1, 2020 on the Besides that, the government is also in the process of integrating INSW (Indonesia National Single Window) so in the future the license related to export or import will be notified to OSS.

Licensing Socialization Material on November 25-27 November 2019
